Hi there, I’m Alicia, PT and MFR Specialist

I became a Physical Therapist because I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives by improving their physical health.

I have worked as a Physical Therapist in a wide range of settings for over 30 years and, as much as I’ve enjoyed working with my patients to achieve their goals in recovery, there were many times it felt like something was missing.

Too often, patients did not fully return to their prior level of function but had to put up with residual pain, altered mobility, and lingering symptoms.

Something was missing.

I had been overlooking the fascia, the connective tissue that is connected to every single structure in our bodies.

After taking my first J.B. Myofascial Release class in 2019, I immediately began applying what I had learned about releasing fascial restrictions.

The outcomes were astounding.

I joked that it was like I’d been given a magic wand because the results were so much different from anything I’d experienced before.

I’ve continued to study Myofascial Release and benefitted from the opportunity of spending a week working alongside John Barnes and a team of expert therapists at his clinic in Arizona. It was amazing to see patients who had come for MFR as a last resort, after their pain and dysfunction had sidelined them from work and every day life activities, find relief and finally make progress towards a return to normal life.

It is a joy to provide a therapeutic intervention that is gentle, natural, effective, and lasting.

MFR looks beyond the symptoms, considering the whole person, to effectively treat the cause.

In my own personal journey toward vibrant physical, mental, and spiritual health, I have found there are no shortcuts to living well from the inside out. be present, and that being present creates space for healing to happen organically, rather than in a forced manner.

It takes time, and I am committed to providing my clients with the time and attention necessary to apply MFR therapy so they can return to a more mobile and comfortable life.

Healing Stories

MFR is the thing that helps when nothing else has worked.