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Alicia Worley Palacios, MS PT & Myofascial Release Specialist

After 30+ years of being a physical therapist and feeling like something was missing, I took my first J.B. MFR class and discovered what it was … read more

Ready for effective relief that lasts?

Myofascial Relief (MFR) helps my clients find relief from:

  • Neck and back pain

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Sciatica

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • TMJ

  • Post surgical scarring or tightness

  • Restrictive Movement

  • Chronic and unexplained pain

  • Altered Posture

  • Frozen shoulder and more

How does it work?

MFR gets to the root cause of limited mobility and pain by releasing restrictions in your fascia through a hands-on, gentle, sustained pressure. 

What is fascia? Think of it as a three-dimensional web of connective tissue that runs through your body, touching every structure, providing support and shock absorption. When fascia tightens in response to injury, surgical scar tissue,  inflammation, trauma, accidents, muscle bracing, or prolonged poor posture, restrictions develop that put pressure on the structures it surrounds and connects to. These structures include nerves, blood vessels, tendons, muscles, and even organs. Fascial restrictions also pull structures in your body out of natural alignment, leading to further restrictions, altered posture, decreased mobility, and pain.

When your restrictions are released, you are essentially taking pressure off of those structures and allowing your body to realign itself naturally.

Healing Stories

“I was preparing for a sheep hunt in the Brooks Range of Alaska, but started having a numb feeling in my left leg. I went to my primary care physician who ordered nerve tests and PT. The test came back negative and after 6 weeks of PT, my symptoms hadn’t changed. Around that time Alicia was in town and gave me my first MFR treatment. I knew nothing about it and was somewhat skeptical. I was certainly surprised at the immediate results it produced. During the next 2 weeks, the numbness was gone. There are no MFR therapists in my area, so when Alicia left, she gave me several stretches and tools to use as well as a different sleeping position. I’m thankful that 4 years later, the numbness continues to be absent. Thank you very much Alicia and MFR.” —Ben D.

Why have’t I heard of MFR before?

The reasons might surprise you… check them out here.

“The fascial system is one of the most important structures of our body and is significantly tightened from physical or emotional trauma which produces crushing pressure on pain sensitive structures”

—John F. Barnes, PT

See the fascia and how it works for yourself in this video.


The Dwelling Well Myofascial Release

Located inside Dr. Brown’s office/Mallard Creek Chiropractic Group

1905 J N Pease Pl, Suite #204 Charlotte, NC 28262
